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  • Writer's pictureVaughn Geber

iOS App Life Cycle

The app life cycle in iOS Swift refers to the various states that an app goes through from the time it is launched to the time it is terminated. Understanding the app life cycle is important for building robust and responsive apps. Here is a brief overview of the different states of the app life cycle:

1. Not running state:

The "Not Running" state is the state where the app is not running at all. Therefore, there is no specific method that you can use to respond to this state in your app delegate class. However, when the user launches your app, the operating system will transition it to the "Inactive" state, and you can use the applicationDidBecomeActive method in your app delegate class to perform any necessary setup or initialization that your app requires.

When your app is in the "Not Running" state, there is not much you can do as a developer. However, you can provide a good user experience by ensuring that your app launches quickly and smoothly when the user taps on its icon. You can do this by minimizing the amount of work that your app needs to do in the "Inactive" state and by optimizing your app's launch time. You can also use techniques such as preloading data and resources to make your app launch faster.

It is also important to provide clear and concise messaging to the user when your app is not running. For example, if your app requires an internet connection to function, you can display a message to the user explaining that the app is not available offline and prompting them to connect to the internet to use it.

Overall, while there is not much you can do in the "Not Running" state, you can take steps to ensure that your app launches quickly and smoothly and provide clear messaging to the user to improve their experience.

2. Inactive state:

The "Inactive" state is the state where the app is running in the foreground, but not receiving any events. This state occurs when the app is launched, but a system event such as an incoming call or text message takes precedence over the app's window. In this state, the app's window is usually obscured or hidden.

To respond to the "Inactive" state, you can use the applicationWillResignActive(_:) method in your app delegate class. This method is called when the app is about to move from the "Active" state to the "Inactive" state. You can use this method to pause any ongoing tasks or activities in your app, such as audio playback or animations. You can also use this method to save any user data or app state that needs to be preserved.

When your app is in the "Inactive" state, you should avoid performing any computationally expensive tasks that could impact the performance of the device. Instead, focus on preserving the user's data and app state, and prepare your app to resume normal operation when it becomes active again.

It is also important to provide clear feedback to the user when your app is in the "Inactive" state. For example, you can display a progress bar or spinner to indicate that a task is still running in the background, or display a message to the user explaining why the app is currently inactive.

Overall, when your app is in the "Inactive" state, you should focus on preserving the user's data and app state, pause any ongoing tasks or activities, and provide clear feedback to the user to improve their experience.

3. Active state:

The "Active" state is the state where the app is running in the foreground and is receiving events. This is the normal operating state for an iOS app when it is in use by the user.

To respond to the "Active" state, you can use the applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) method in your app delegate class. This method is called when the app moves from the "Inactive" state to the "Active" state. You can use this method to resume any paused tasks or activities in your app, such as audio playback or animations. You can also use this method to refresh your app's user interface, update any data that may have changed while the app was inactive, or to perform any other necessary initialization.

When your app is in the "Active" state, you should focus on providing a smooth and responsive user experience. Make sure that your app responds quickly and accurately to user input, and that any animations or transitions are smooth and fluid. You should also minimize the use of system resources such as CPU and memory to ensure that your app runs smoothly on all devices.

It is also important to handle any errors or unexpected conditions that may occur while your app is in the "Active" state. For example, if your app encounters a network error, you should display an appropriate error message to the user and give them clear guidance on how to resolve the issue.

Overall, when your app is in the "Active" state, you should focus on providing a smooth and responsive user experience, minimize the use of system resources, and handle any errors or unexpected conditions that may occur to ensure that your app runs smoothly and reliably.

4. Background state:

The "Background" state is the state where the app is running in the background, but is not currently visible to the user. This state occurs when the user switches to another app or the home screen while your app is still running.

To respond to the "Background" state, you can use the applicationDidEnterBackground(_:) method in your app delegate class. This method is called when the app moves from the "Active" state to the "Background" state. You can use this method to clean up any resources that your app no longer needs while it is running in the background, such as stopping audio playback or pausing animations. You can also use this method to save any user data or app state that needs to be preserved.

When your app is in the "Background" state, you should minimize the use of system resources to conserve battery life and ensure that your app runs smoothly in the background. You should also avoid performing any computationally expensive tasks that could impact the performance of the device. Instead, focus on performing any necessary background tasks, such as downloading data or updating your app's content.

It is also important to use background modes and notifications appropriately to ensure that your app can continue running in the background and provide a good user experience. For example, if your app needs to perform background fetches or background downloads, you should use the appropriate background modes to ensure that your app can continue running in the background. You should also use local or remote notifications to alert the user when your app has new content or updates that they may be interested in.

Overall, when your app is in the "Background" state, you should focus on conserving system resources, performing any necessary background tasks, and using background modes and notifications appropriately to ensure that your app can continue running in the background and provide a good user experience.

5. Suspended state:

The "Suspended" state is the state where the app is no longer running in the background and its code is no longer executing in memory. This state occurs when the app is no longer visible to the user and the operating system has released its resources to free up memory.

To respond to the "Suspended" state, you do not need to write any specific code. When your app moves from the "Background" state to the "Suspended" state, the operating system automatically saves your app's state and releases its resources. When the user opens your app again, the operating system restores your app's state and returns it to the "Background" state.

It is important to note that when your app is in the "Suspended" state, it is not consuming any system resources, so there is no need to take any specific actions to conserve resources. However, it is still important to ensure that your app is optimized for launch and can restore its state quickly when the user opens it again.

Overall, when your app is in the "Suspended" state, you do not need to write any specific code. Instead, focus on optimizing your app for launch and ensuring that it can restore its state quickly and efficiently when the user opens it again.


In conclusion, understanding the app life cycle in iOS Swift is critical for building high-quality, responsive apps that provide a seamless user experience. The app life cycle consists of four states: "Not Running," "Inactive," "Active," and "Background." Each state requires a different approach to ensure that your app operates smoothly and efficiently. By utilizing the appropriate methods in your app delegate class and implementing best practices such as minimizing system resources and providing clear user feedback, you can build robust and reliable apps that meet the needs of your users.

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