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  • Writer's pictureVaughn Geber

💻🏗️🔂 Terraform Language: Infrastructure as Code, State Management, Loops, and Resource Order

Terraform, an open-source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool developed by HashiCorp, simplifies the provisioning and management of infrastructure across various providers using the HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). In this blog post, we will explore the core concepts of the Terraform language including Terraform state management, the use of loops, and, managing resources.

Terraform Language: A Model for Your Actual System

The Terraform language lets you define and manage your infrastructure using the HCL. This declarative language describes the desired state of your infrastructure without explicitly specifying the steps to achieve that state. This approach allows for version control, collaboration, reusability, and consistency across infrastructure deployments.

Terraform State Management

Terraform uses a state file to maintain a record of the current infrastructure, tracking resources, and their attributes. The state file serves as the source of truth for Terraform, allowing it to detect and manage changes to your infrastructure. The state file is essential for:

  1. Mapping resources in your configuration to real-world resources in your infrastructure.

  2. Storing metadata about the configuration and infrastructure, such as dependency information.

  3. Detecting drift or changes made to your infrastructure outside of Terraform.

By default, Terraform stores the state file locally as "terraform.tfstate," but it is highly recommended to use remote backend storage, such as Terraform Cloud, AWS S3, or Google Cloud Storage. Remote storage provides additional benefits, like secure storage, state locking, and team collaboration.

So, what occurs when you execute 'terraform apply' on an already deployed infrastructure?

When you execute 'terraform apply' on an already deployed infrastructure, Terraform compares the current state of your infrastructure, as recorded in the state file, with the desired state defined in your configuration files. If no changes are detected, Terraform will not perform any actions and will inform you that your infrastructure is already up-to-date. However, if there are changes, Terraform will create an execution plan outlining the resources to be added, modified, or destroyed. Once the plan is confirmed, Terraform proceeds to apply the changes, updating the infrastructure to match the desired state specified in your configuration files. This process ensures that your infrastructure remains consistent and aligned with your defined configurations.

Building upon the previous explanation, the 'terraform plan' command is another essential part of the Terraform workflow. Running 'terraform plan' generates an execution plan that details the changes Terraform will make to your infrastructure based on the current configuration. This plan provides you with an opportunity to review the proposed changes before applying them, ensuring that you have full control over the modifications to your infrastructure.

What would happen if I comment out a resource in a configuration file?

Now, let's consider a scenario where you comment out a resource in your configuration files. When you execute 'terraform plan' after making this change, Terraform will identify that the resource is no longer defined in the configuration, and the execution plan will indicate that the resource will be destroyed. If you proceed with 'terraform apply', Terraform will remove the resource from your infrastructure and update the state file accordingly. This process demonstrates how Terraform enables you to manage the entire lifecycle of your resources, from creation to modification and, ultimately, to destruction, ensuring that your infrastructure remains in sync with your configurations.

So, one might wonder: if Terraform merely represents the desired state of the architecture, how can we efficiently provision hundreds of servers?

That very question brings us to loops!

Loops in Terraform Language

Loops are a powerful feature in Terraform that enable you to create multiple instances of a resource with a single configuration block. Loops simplify the management of resources, reduce code duplication, and improve maintainability. There are two primary ways to create loops in Terraform:

1. count: The 'count' parameter allows you to create a fixed number of instances of a resource. You can use the count.index value to differentiate instances and access other resources or variables.


resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  count = 3
  ami   = "ami-0c94855ba95b798c7"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  tags = {
    Name = "example-instance-${count.index}"

2. for_each: The 'for_each' parameter enables you to create a resource for each element in a set or map, using the element value or key to configure the resource.


variable "users" {
  default = {
    alice = "admin"
    bob   = "developer"

resource "aws_iam_user" "example" {
  for_each = var.users
  name     = each.key
  tags = {
    Role = each.value

Resource Order in Terraform

One of the strengths of Terraform is its ability to determine the appropriate order for creating, updating, or destroying resources based on the dependencies between them. In most cases, the order in which you define resources in your configuration files does not affect how they are built. #goTerraform

Terraform automatically generates a dependency graph, ensuring that resources are created, updated, or destroyed in the correct order. This graph is constructed based on explicit dependencies (using the "depends_on" parameter) or implicit dependencies determined by referencing resource attributes.

Edge Cases

However, there are some edge cases where resource order may impact the infrastructure provisioning process:

1. Resource creation order: In some cases, resources must be created in a specific order due to provider limitations or dependencies that cannot be automatically detected by Terraform. In these situations, you can use the "depends_on" parameter to explicitly define the dependency relationship between resources, ensuring that they are created in the correct order.


resource "aws_security_group" "example" {
  name = "example"

resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  ami           = "ami-0c94855ba95b798c7"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  vpc_security_group_ids = []

  depends_on = [aws_security_group.example]

2. Concurrent resource creation: Terraform can create multiple resources concurrently, which can lead to issues with rate limiting or resource limits imposed by the provider. To mitigate this, you can use the "-parallelism" flag when running 'terraform apply' to limit the number of concurrent operations.


terraform apply -parallelism=5

3. Non-deterministic resource ordering: In rare cases, the order in which resources are created may not be deterministic, causing inconsistencies between infrastructure deployments. This can happen when multiple resources have the same dependencies or no dependencies at all. To address this issue, you can explicitly define dependencies using the "depends_on" parameter or create resource modules to establish a logical order.

How can one ascertain whether the 'depends_on' parameter needs to be included in a Terraform configuration?

To ascertain whether the 'depends_on' parameter needs to be included in a Terraform configuration, consider the following factors:

  1. Implicit dependencies: Terraform can automatically determine the dependencies between resources when one resource references an attribute of another resource in its configuration. In such cases, you don't need to add the 'depends_on' parameter, as Terraform will create the resources in the correct order based on these implicit dependencies.

  2. Undetected dependencies: If there are dependencies between resources that Terraform cannot automatically detect, such as resources that depend on the existence of another resource without directly referencing its attributes, you may need to include the 'depends_on' parameter. By explicitly defining the dependency relationship using 'depends_on', you can ensure that Terraform creates, updates, or destroys the resources in the correct order.

  3. Provider limitations or ordering constraints: In some instances, the order in which resources are created, updated, or destroyed may be critical due to provider-specific limitations or requirements. In these situations, you can use the 'depends_on' parameter to explicitly control the order of resource operations, ensuring that the constraints are met.

Determining whether Terraform cannot automatically infer the correct sequence of resource operations can be a bit challenging. However, you can watch for certain signs and scenarios that may indicate the need for explicit dependencies using the 'depends_on' parameter:

  1. Unexpected errors or failures: If you encounter errors or failures during the 'terraform apply' process that seem related to the order of resource creation, update, or destruction, it could be an indication that Terraform is unable to automatically infer the correct sequence.

  2. Provider documentation: Thoroughly review the documentation for the provider and resources you are using. The documentation may mention specific limitations, constraints, or dependencies that require resources to be created, updated, or destroyed in a particular order.

  3. External dependencies or custom scripts: If your Terraform configuration relies on external dependencies, custom scripts, or other resources that are not explicitly defined within the configuration, Terraform may not be able to determine the correct sequence automatically. In such cases, using the 'depends_on' parameter can help establish the correct order.

  4. Inconsistent deployments: If you notice inconsistencies in your infrastructure deployments, such as resources being created in the wrong order or missing dependencies, it may be an indication that Terraform is unable to automatically determine the correct sequence.

In summary, understanding when Terraform cannot automatically imply the sequence of resource operations requires vigilance, attention to detail, and experience working with Terraform configurations. By thoroughly reviewing provider documentation, monitoring deployment outcomes, and identifying potential external dependencies, you can better gauge when to use the 'depends_on' parameter to explicitly define resource dependencies.


In conclusion, Terraform is a powerful and versatile Infrastructure as Code tool that enables you to efficiently manage your infrastructure using a declarative language. With its state management capabilities, Terraform ensures your infrastructure remains consistent and aligned with your configurations. Furthermore, loops in Terraform make it easier to create and manage multiple instances of resources, while the dependency management system ensures resources are provisioned in the correct order. By understanding the nuances of Terraform, such as the 'depends_on' parameter and edge cases, you can effectively harness its potential to build and maintain complex infrastructures across multiple providers. Embrace the power and flexibility of Terraform to streamline your infrastructure management and maximize collaboration, reusability, and consistency across your deployments.

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